When my daughters were growing up, I always envisioned a school like Wisdom, a school where children were taught how to think but not what to think, a school which equipped the students with skills but never spoon-fed them, a school where the students had the freedom to ask questions, a school where students love coming to school and often turn up on Sundays too! And slowly but steadily, I alongwith my marvellous team after years of intensive research, experiments and long hours have worked towards creating the school of my dreams, we are not there yet, but we are closer to the dream everyday. And it is not only the school of my dreams, but I strongly believe it is every parent’s dream to watch their child blossom into the best version of themselves in an environment which is both nurturing yet a preparatory ground for real life and at Wisdom, we provide just that. I truly believe that it is a blessing to have children, to be responsible for another human’s growth and development and to see them achieve new heights. The early childhood days are the formative years of shaping the child's personality to acclimatise them for every situation. And at Wisdom, we are uncompromisingly committed to this endeavour.

Our belief system finds its roots not only in Indian philosophy but the very best of the international thinkers. I personally am inspired by a Russian writer Anton Makarenko's book "A Book for Parents"(1915), wherein he writes that "In Russia, a child is not only parent's responsibility, but the nation has to collectively collaborate to achieve the best." I urge the society, educators and parents to join me as a team to make this dream come true. I strongly believe that together we can and together we will. Come what may Team Wisdom is going to be continually working to achieve this. And as parents and guardians, your support will empower us. There is no substitute to informed and involved parenting. Your belief will write the success story of your child.

We have taken a step forward and seek your blessings in order to do something great for your ward, the society and our country.

Looking forward to a lifelong association.

Gift your child, a life at wisdom.

Haripal Pilania